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The Trouble With Everyday Life

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My Parents

My parents were highschool sweethearts and have been married for almost 50 years. My dad loves Model Railroading and my mom loves books. For the first few years of my life my mom stayed home while my dad worked, when he got laid off right as I went into kindergarten my mom went to work and has been working ever since. Dad tried to find work but it was during a down time in our economy so he never could get a job and just decided to be a stay at home dad, so because of this I spent a lot more time with my dad than I did my mom.

My mom always tried to spend as much time with us as she could on her days off and after work. She would take us to the public library and let us choose whatever books we wanted and would read to us in funny voices, it was kind of our mom and kids time. My mom also loved to do craft days with us once a week during summer break and we would make crafts out of whatever we had around the house. That's how I grew up loving crafting (I have no artistic talent, but that doesn't stop me from crafting, lol).

My dad loves model railroading so my brother and I spent lots of time at model railroad shows. My mom became exhausted trying to herd two kids through train shows and finally bought tables and sold trains for my dad while he explored the train show. My dad also loved to go antiquing and during summer breaks would pack my brother and me into the car and drive us all over the state finding new places to by stuff. My dad became the hit of our school and kids would ask to be in the same class as my brother and I purely because my dad would bring cupcakes and soda to the school on our birthdays. Kids looked forward to that every year and eventually my dad became known as the cupcake man to the other kids in our grade (the kids I went to elementary school with still refer to him as the cupcake man when I see them).

My parents always tried to be there for my brother and I when we joined a new club or my parents would volunteer to be shaperons on class field trips. They were active in our lives and encouraged us to try new things. My brother and I bounced from one thing to another, but my parents always told us to try it and find out if we liked it.

I talk to my parents about once a week now and see them about once a month. I only live two hours away from them, but with us all being so busy its hard to get together much.

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