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The Trouble With Everyday Life

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Christmas and New Years

Christmas was held at my parents house again this year, as it is every year the weather is good enough for all of us to make it down there. My mom and dad were so exhausted from dealing with so much crap from my brother and The Bitch in the last year that they didn't even have it in them to go shopping for christmas presents. They gave us all money in a card and a few small gifts (the bitch didn't get money because she was caught cheating on my brother by both my parents, somehow my brother is still with her).

Christmas day started off with my brother, The Bitch, and the kid showing up at nine in the morning (none of us were expecting this because my brother had worked till 7am). The kid was excited and screaming at the top of his lungs so it made it impossible to sleep any later. So we all got up and started our day. We turned on the Disney Parade (which I didn't get to see any of, not that you could have heard it over the kid screaming), mom made breakfast, and we all settled in to open the few gifts we all had, not that we could have waited for very long as the kid was trying to rip open every present he saw.

The first thing the kid opened was guns that shot foam disks, which he promptly used to shoot The Bitch with over and over again, I applauded him while the rest of the family told him to stop shooting people with the disks. As soon as he ran out of disks he moved on to a robot that lit up and made noise, when he realized it was a little to heavy for him to pick up he found another toy gun that snapped when you pulled the trigger and went back to pretending to shoot The Bitch. By this time I am thinking this boy is trying to tell us something about how he feels about his own mother.

Eventually we got all the gifts open and the kid became bored with his new toys. I turned on PBS for him and he sat down to watch it and snuggle with his blanket, eventually he fell asleep, but as soon as he did The Bitch started talking as loud as she could and woke him up, which made him cranky and he began to scream again. Eventually my brother took him into my parents bedroom and laid down so they could nap together for a few hours.

Meanwhile The Bitch was trying to get the rest of us to play board games with her. None of us wanted to play with her as she takes them too seriously and she tries to cheat her butt off (she not very good at cheating as we all know exactly when she's doing it). My husband and I finally gave in and played a round of yahtzee with her (which neither of us had played before) which she won by giving herself a higher score each round than she actually scored. After one game we both were fed up with her and decided to lay down and take a nap (my husband had worked late the night before and didn't get in until three in the morning).

When we got up from the nap my parents had already put out the food (which my husband and I had to reheat) and we all sat around watching Christmas movies, well we technically watched whatever The Bitch picked because she whined she didn't like any of the things the rest of us wanted to watch.

Finally my brother told The Bitch he was ready to go back to their house and she threw a fit because she wanted to stay (she only wanted to stay because my dad had had mentioned we might go to my aunts house the next day and The Bitch wanted to go with us). My brother put his foot down and started packing all their stuff into the car while she sat on her butt and pouted. My husband and I got up and helped them pack their stuff as quickly as we could so that they could get out of there sooner. We also made sure they didn't leave anything behind so they didn't have a reason to come back the next day. By the time we got them out the door and on their way it was close to eleven at night. My husband and I stayed up till midnight straightening up the house from the mess they left it in so my parents didn't have to worry about it the next day.

Two days later (one of two days off my husband had that week) The Bitch called my dad and asked if my husband and I could take the kid for the day while they were having their trailer inspected. I flat out said no. I don't do diapers and I don't do puke, and the kid still hasn't learned how to use a potty so eventually throughout the day he would have to be changed, and I just don't do that, also I don't trust that The Bitch wouldn't fill the kid with sugar before she sent him with us. That and my husband and I had planned a day to a couple of stores in the larger city two hours away that we never get to and we just didn't want to deal with a kid in all that after Christmas shopping crowd. The Bitch of course threw a fit and cried and blamed me for all her problems and tried to get my dad to make me take the child, but I didn't give in and said NO! My dad said I should really give them a break, but I told him it is not my fault they have a kid, and it's not my responsibility to save them from the kid when they don't want to deal with him. I know it sounds harsh, but dealing with a kid is the exact reason I didn't want kids.

My husband and I were back at our house a couple of days before new years. He had to work new years eve so I spent the night ringing in the new years with the cats. Needless to say the cats could have cared less it was a new year and slept through it. I watched the count down and the ball drop then turned the tv off and went back to doing stuff on my computer.

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