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The Trouble With Everyday Life

Welcome to a blog that will show you how my life is filled with trouble and strife.

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  • Writer's pictureHBRH

My Husband

My husband works a lot and travels two hours a day to get two and from work, so we don't get to spend but a couple ours together everyday. He gets two days off a week, most of this time is spent running our Amish neighbors all over the place (more on that in a later post).

I met my husband in college we dated only for around a month before we were engaged (I know we moved fast) and were engaged for three years before we got married.

We have been married for 10 years (although it doesn't feel like its been that long) and have gone through good times and bad together. We have been through several medical problems, the loss of my only grandfather (my grandparents on my fathers side died before I was born, and my grandmother on my moms side died before I was born), the loss of both my husbands parents with in a year of each other and dealing with their estates and the rest of his family (his extended family really doesn't like me and refuses to have anything to do with us anymore), the medical crisis of some of my extended family members, moving into our own place then moving back to where we had previously lived, adopting (kinda) several pets and the heart breaking loss of some of those pets, the loss of several jobs, and finally finding getting to a place in our lives where we can (hopefully) start working towards bettering our future.

A little bit about my husband: he loves movies, tv shows, and video games. If he's not napping or eating he's more than likely doing one of those three things. My husband loves to learn new skills and is eager to do a DIY project even if he's not sure how, he will do the DIY eventually but it usually takes a few mistakes, research, and sometimes asking for help. He is a people pleaser by nature (much to my displeasure) and will go out of his way to help someone even if it means sacrificing something he wants to do (frequently he sacrifices sleep or spending time with me).

We all have our faults, and even when my husbands faults annoy me to no end, I love him with everything I have in me. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He has stuck with me through so much and I know I can be a pain to be around sometimes, but he does what he can to help me get past my rough spots and continues to love me.

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